Sunday, July 10, 2016

Week Four Coming Up

It was really nice to be home over the weekend.  Patty and I both spent time at work on Saturday and then the two grand girls came for a visit on Sunday after Church.  It was the second Sunday that our new Priest was here at St. Gregory's.  I haven't met him yet as he really has only been here 8 days but he sure seems like a very nice pastor.

I remember Sunday afternoons or evenings when I was going to college.  If I came home for a weekend I always had to get ready for that 2+ hour trip back to Fremont.  You know when you spend the weekend at home around family and friends it sure is hard to pack up and get back in that car for that drive home.  I'm kind of feeling that way tonight, it was great being home and now after only 48 hours we have get back into that car and head south to Oklahoma again.  July is going to be a long month.

On the bright side though, I have prostate cancer.  If you are going to get a cancer (and would not wish that on anyone) prostate cancer is a real curable one to get.  Usually, something other than the cancer will get you before the prostate cancer does, in other words you'll die of something else.  You know when you hear that 'C' word a lot of thoughts go through your mind in a heck of a hurry.  I remember the call:  my urologist's PA called and said the right side is fine but two of the eight cores on the left came back positive, cancer.  I had to stop and think, did she really say cancer, really me, cancer.  Luckily I was at work and the call came in the early afternoon and I just cleared my mind the best I could and helped customers.  Came home told Patty and she just told me we'd hit this thing head on and beat it.  And beat it we will, thanks Patty.

Didn't sleep much that night and had a pretty good conversation with the man upstairs.  Oh how he has helped me through this and several others moments of truth in my life.  I do believe in God.  And God is not Dead.

There feeling better all ready.  Week four, five treatments this week.  I will be at 18 after the early one on Friday morning.  44-18 = 26 left after Friday.  Actually, 15 more treatments this month, so after the month of July I will have only 16 treatments remaining in the month of August.  I told you July was going to be a long month.

Thank you to the employees of First Commerce Bank, you are the best.  I know this week you will perform at the top of your game.  Sorry I won't be there to help, but you know you can call me anytime.

1 comment:

  1. We believe in God also. Keep the faith. If he brought you to it, he will bring you through it.
